Becoming a Distributed Church: Why It’s Worth the Shift
J.R. Briggs
Mar 24, 2020

If the government restricted your church from gathering each Sunday, what would your church look like? 

If your church was unable to gather in groups larger than 50, or even 10, what would your church look like? And how would it shape the way you think about your church in how it joins God’s mission? 

Over the past several years I’ve posed these hypothetical questions to numerous groups of church leaders. In light of the COVID-19 global pandemic, these questions are no longer hypothetical; they are our new reality, whether we like it or not. 

As we’ve already felt – and will continue to feel for quite some time – the myriad effects of the coronavirus, the Church is in unprecedented times. How shall we respond? Despite the difficulties, uncertainties, and setbacks this has brought (and will continue to bring) to our global village, there are many reasons for hope as we think about what localized distributed expressions and extensions of the Church could look like.  

But this will necessitate an un-learning and relearning, which will require large doses of wisdom, courage, and compassion. American futurist Alvin Toffler said,  “The illiterate of the 21 st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”And so, it is with courage that we must lean into these unprecedented times by being prepared and ready, while also remaining full of hope and expectancy for the Spirit to work. And it is our calling to follow that Spirit. 

How do distributed churches think and act?

This new reality created by the virus won’t go away in a few weeks. Eventually, we will leave our homes freely, our children will go back to school, and we will once again worship in the flesh. But the economic, psychological, social and ecclesial shifts will be felt for months, years, maybe even decades. Therefore, we can no longer afford to think about the future with the same mental models that worked in our past. With our churches, leaders must think and act less like centralized hubs and more like networks, a distributed web of God’s people. 

When I work with pastors and church leaders I often ask them if they would pass the Bread Truck Test. 

Here’s the test: 

If the senior leader of your church was hit by a bread truck and died, what would happen to the church? Would the church fold because everything depends upon the leader at the top or are people already empowered to lead and confident to step up and lead in his or her absence? 

It certainly sounds a bit morbid, but it’s quite helpful for leaders to diagnose if their churches are centralized or distributed. Distributed churches embrace the power of the Spirit which resides in each believer, not just the seminary trained or denominationally ordained. 

In addition to passing the Bread Truck Test, leaders of healthy distributed churches create cultures which emphasize and embrace four essential elements: 

  • Poetry: a God-size vision and a white-hot kingdom culture that moves people deeply. They are inspired and moved on the heart level to respond and act to a vision far beyond themselves, not merely because someone told them or guilted them into some action or behavior. 
  • Plumbing: plumbing isn’t very sexy, but it is essential, as stated by professional plumbers at Sarkinen Plumbing. You wouldn’t purchase a home simply because the toilets flush and the faucets don’t leak; however, you would not purchase that home if those did not work. Structures aren’t very sexy, but they are essential. 
  • When it comes to the overall functionality and comfort of a building, plumbing plays a vital role that cannot be overlooked. Even though plumbing may not be the most glamorous aspect of a property, it is the backbone that ensures a smooth and seamless experience for its occupants. That’s why seeking the expertise of reliable plumbing services listed in richtek perth reviews is crucial. Their professional plumbers understand the intricate workings of plumbing systems, providing invaluable assistance in maintaining the integrity and efficiency of a building’s infrastructure. With their expertise, you can rest assured that your plumbing needs will be met with precision and care, allowing you to enjoy a worry-free environment.
  • The power of the Spirit: As Ray Anderson wrote in his book The Soul of Ministry, empowerment must precede equipping. We can equip people all we want, but if they are not empowered by the Spirit of God, we will find our efforts to structure for a distributed church will be anemic and lack long-lasting fruitfulness. This is why healthy distributed churches refuse to do anything that is not first saturated in Spirit-enabled prayer. This empowerment is what sends us out as the equipped people of God into mission.
  • The presence of God: an ongoing cultivation of a flourishing “with-God” life, not just in the leaders, but in all of God’s people. We cannot go simply with the right answers in our head; we go with the embodied truth that runs wild through our bloodstream. 

More specifically there are four values healthy distributed churches possess: 

[1] Distributed churches are known for their seating capacity, but are known even more for their sending capacity.

Churches committed to being distributed realize, like we’ve all felt in the time of “social distancing”, the power and need for gathering together. But they also realize that an approach that only involves a strategy for gathering together is anemic and ineffective in the new reality.

In doing so, distributed churches take up the mantle of responsibility to challenge each individual in their congregation to think strategically about their own sphere of influence. The Greek word for sphere of influence, network of relationships or friends and family is oikos. In Mark chapter 5, in the dramatic story of the demoniac and the drowned pigs, we see the once-crazed man in his right mind asking Jesus if he can travel with him from the Eastern (Greek) side of the lake over to the Western (Jewish) side of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus denies the man’s request – not because Jesus is being mean, but because he is being strategic. Jesus knew the man was already deeply rooted in his Greek oikos – his set of social norms and relational networks which included Greek language, customs, rituals, food, and values quite different from the Jewish context on the other side of the lake. Jesus told him, “Go back to your [ oikos ] and tell them all the things the Lord has done for you and the mercy he’s had on you” (verse 19). 

The sane man, who now possessed a dramatic redemption story, returns to his social network and tells them what Jesus had done for him. It says the people were amazed (verse 20). A few pages later in our Bibles we read that when Jesus returned to the Eastern side of the lake, he was mobbed like a rock star. Why? Because the man did what Jesus told him to do within and among his oikos. In much the same way, we must see the importance of helping people identify, embrace and love those in their unique spheres of influence and already existing relational networks.  

Sociologists say that we live in five “neighborhoods: familial (our extended blood relatives), geographic (our literal neighbors in close proximity to where we live), relational (our friends and acquaintances), digital (our online relationships and social media friends and followers) and phychographical (those with whom we share similar interests, affinities, and passions – think of Mac users, runners, young moms or those who do CrossFit). Each one of us lives in five neighborhoods; these collective neighborhoods are each person’s oikos.

Distributed churches help people see their geographic neighborhoods as a place for them to be missionaries cleverly disguised as good neighbors, thinking with a kingdom mindset in all five of their neighborhoods. 

Here’s a simple exercise pastors can engage in: take out a map and plot out where everyone in your church lives. Then have them gather regularly in these spaces asking the Spirit to show them how they might tend to the presence of Christ there. 

Another simple exercise: encourage everyone in your church to open their front door, step out onto their porch or front stoop and look around. For all the homes they can see from that physical vantage point, challenge them to see themselves as missionaries to those people. Challenge them to pray regularly for the neighbors who live in the homes they can see, check in with their neighbors regularly, prayer-walk their neighborhood, and look for simple, practical ways to serve. Encourage them to start small – with what is literally right outside their front door. 


[2] Distributed churches understand the value of structure, yet realize that the structure must always submit to the Spirit.

Distributed churches think carefully, courageously, and strategically about how to structure for mission . Structure is not inherently bad; but too much – or too little – structure can have detrimental effects on your church’s ability to join in God’s mission. Churches with too much structure are clunky, bloated and unable to move with flexibility and creativity. Churches with too little structure cause frustration and inefficiencies that leave people confused, annoyed, disheartened and oftentimes paralyzed. 

Just as the skeletal structure of the human body exists for support, alignment, and movement, so too the structure of churches exists to provide support, alignment and movement as the Spirit directs. But the skeletal structure involves both bones and cartilage. Bones are set and hard, but cartilage provides much needed structure, support, shape and contour, it also provides flexibility. Distributed churches include bone structure and cartilage structure in their church bodies. 

This will, as stated earlier, require uncomfortable unlearning, including how we think about our buildings, paid staff, budgets, and where and how our people spend their time. Additionally, it requires we rethink carefully our metrics of “success” in the days ahead. How your church defines success will define your church. Despite the intestinal fortitude required in this new ecclesial and missional reality, if we are willing to dream, pray, implement, and operate more like a network than a centralized entity, we can structure for mission and movement with flexibility, fluidity, and creativity. 


[3] Distributed churches empower their people to live as pipes, not buckets.

Distributed churches have a strong, clear and robust plumbing theology. What flows into a bucket, of course, stays in a bucket; but what flows into a pipe flows out of a pipe. We talk often at our church about embracing our call to be pipes, not buckets – that what flows to us is something we, in turn, pass on to others. As leaders of DC’s we must think about equipping, empowering and unleashing leaders in our churches – right now. Leaders: look for the outliers, the dreamers, the kingdom renegades in your midst. They are there if you truly look for them. 

Idea 1: challenge every Christian in your church to think hyper-locally and to serve as a neighborhood (or block) captain.

This involves taking healthy ownership and responsibility for your neighbors, as we looked at earlier. Checking in with neighbors regularly, asking what their needs may be, and keeping them appropriately informed with the needs of others in the neighborhood. Captains offer to lend a listening ear, to pray, to help. No one has to be certified to be a neighborhood captain. No one has to have education. No credentialing is required. All it takes is people raising their hands and saying, “I’ll do it.”

Idea 2: Entrust a handful of neighborhood captains with a small budget and challenge them to dream, brainstorm, and initiate some neighborhood “kingdom experiments.”

Consider giving captains some financial resources with four perimeters. Their kingdom experiments must: 

  1. be about God’s kingdom mission for God’s kingdom glory
  2. be creative by kicking up some good kingdom mischief—something the church has not attempted before
  3. be outward focused, primarily blessing those not yet a part of God’s family
  4. share stories with the church of what you’ve been doing over the past 60 or 90 days

Pastors and leaders: let your people dream. Don’t try to control them, censor them or shoot down their ideas. Just be patient and see what creativity emerges and what stories arise from these mission-oriented kingdom experiments.   

Idea 3: Develop asset-based thinking and conversations 

  • It is easy for us in this new reality to think with a scarcity mindset: of growing needs, the unprecedented limitations and tangible problems—what can’t be done. But asset-based thinking focuses on the gifts, people, resources, connections, creativity, education, skills and passions that already exist in a community. Asset-based thinking focuses on what is available and what is possible. This kind of thinking within a distributed church asks questions such as, “What do we have already that we could share with others?” and “Who are the people God has already entrusted to us and what skills, talents, passions and personalities do they possess?” and “How might we utilize and leverage those for impact in our communities?” 


  [4] Distributed churches are aware of and courageously embrace tensions that exist in a missional orientation.   

Three significant tensions come to mind:

First, distributed churches understand and implement the value of different size communities. 

In the 1960’s American anthropologist Edward T. Hall, in his book The Hidden Dimension, outlined the four spaces of human interaction: public, social, personal, and intimate. Hall defined the literal distance between people in those spaces.

  • Public space: 12 ft. or more
  • Social: 4 ft-12 ft
  • Personal: 18 inches to 4 ft.
  • Intimate: touching to 18 inches

Hall’s work formed the foundation of what is called ‘proxemics,’ the field of study focused on how physical space impacts communication and culture. Joseph Myers keenly noted in his book The Search to Belong that this also impacts community. A distributed church feels the tension of the value each space plays into healthy human interaction and the way church can be structured incarnationally. 

Second, distributed churches navigate the fruitful use of technology while also understanding its limitations.

We’ve already witnessed several creative expressions of church that have emerged online because of the social distancing, quarantines and lockdowns. While incarnational, flesh-and-blood church is preferred, digital expressions of church have emerged for meaningful places of connection and ministry. But these creative elements and utilization of technology can be in play long after the required quarantines are over – but with careful and critical discussion and discernment, as nothing is as significant or meaningful as flesh-and-blood incarnational ministry. 

  And third, distributed churches honor their past, but look courageously, creatively and expectantly to the future.

Our church heritage is rich and stories and can provide meaningful contours of our individual and collective identities. But we must realize that when it comes to God’s mission, the future of our churches is more important than our past. As leaders of DC’s we must graciously and boldly help our people see that the way they’ve always done ministry in the past in all likelihood won’t apply to the way it will be done in the future. 

This is a difficult task, as it requires people wrestling with their own ecclesial idols of comfort, preference, certainty and convenience. It was Dallas Willard who said, “The seven deadly words of the church are, ‘We’ve never done it that way before.’” We can – and must – help our congregations name and grieve the loss of those treasured old ways we’ve done ministry. But also, we can – and must – help our people unlearn old ways of church and then help them rethink ministry and mission with a theological conviction and missiological vision that engages with where our culture is and where it will be. Yes, we can expect it will be messy and uncomfortable. We must remember that it is in these spaces of uncertainty and instability where the Church has always been at her best. Because where there is mission there is always mess. 


Dreaming and embracing a vision for a distributed church is not pursued out of a reactionary posture to a global pandemic. It’s not pursued out of fear to dwindling numbers of church members. It is not pursued because of a desire to be on the cutting edge, relevant, or innovative.

This is what being a distributed church is really about, whether in crisis or calm.

By Bob Hyatt 20 Mar, 2024
One of the main tricks in life, I believe, is not to extrapolate current conditions and circumstances off into the future. However, that’s exactly the tendency we have as humans, and especially, I’ve discovered, as ministry leaders. We look at things now and think they will always be that way. We long to see landmarks in the road, mileposts that tell us either we have now reached the pinnacle, the place we always dreamed of being (even if that place is only “stability”), or conversely, the bottom has fallen out and now is the time to bail out. But the mileposts are merely markers on the journey, telling us where we are now, promising nothing of the journey ahead. And so, when things are good, we see nothing but success and good times stretching out in front of us. In the depths of despair, during the most challenging times of life and ministry we feel as though the darkness has become the new normal. The reality is much more complex: there are always better times ahead, and worse ones as well. During those dark times, when ministry becomes more of a weight than a joy, I tell myself, “whatever is happening now will not keep happening forever.” Those words have kept me through relational breaks in our staff that seemed unfixable, through budget woes when we didn’t think we were going to meet payroll, even a time when our community lost a third of its members because we had let a beloved pastor go. In this way I have found hope. In the same way, during the successful times when we were growing, budget was bigger than ever, and when new people were engaging with the church seemingly every week I continued to tell myself, “what is happening now will not keep happening forever.” In this way I have found a measure of humility. There’s another way to read this mantra as well, one that encourages us not to miss what is happening right now as we overly focus on where we’d like to be or what we’d like to see happen. The challenge of ministry, like the challenge of life in general, is to be present to what’s happening now . Too many single people miss the joys of singleness longing to be married. Too many young married couples miss the joys of the early years without children because they long to be parents. Too many parents of young children miss the joys of the infant years, longing for the days when their children are more independent, less dependent on them for everything. And on it goes. In the same way we in ministry can miss the joys of a small, close community by looking at larger communities and wishing we had their resources and influence. We can miss the inherent learning and even joy of being shoulder to shoulder in community with others through challenging times because the difficulties and pain we are experiencing mask the ways in which we are being brought together, the ways in which we are being formed and the invaluable things we are learning. In life, and in ministry, remember: How it is now is not how it will always be. Learn to appreciate how things are now, but also take comfort in the fact that if things are difficult, there are better days ahead. Stay humble because no success is forever. Stay hopeful because, in Christ, no failure is permanent.
By Chris Backert 19 Feb, 2024
I’m writing to share some exciting and important news with you that we believe will be significant for Ecclesia in the days ahead! For the last few years, I have been engaged with other church and network leaders across the US and Canada about forming a new “connection” for the church in North America. The heart of the effort is around unifying, amplifying, and multiplying the kind of Christian witness that Ecclesia represents, for the sake of the gospel, over the next few decades. This new effort is called The Ascent Movement, and within the last 12 months, its momentum has picked up increasing speed. A few months ago, I was asked by the council of Ascent if I would help spearhead the development of the network in its next phase. I agreed to accept that task. One of the core goals of Ascent is to connect, coordinate, and collaborate with groups like Ecclesia so that we can do more together than we could in isolation. In many ways, it will function as a “network of networks” like Ecclesia functions as a “network of churches”. In addition to ministries like Ecclesia, there are also seminaries, mission agencies, and other ministry support organizations that are joining Ascent in these early days. For the last several months the Ecclesia board has been discerning whether or not Ecclesia would officially enter into a partnership affiliation with Ascent. We unanimously affirmed that decision at our recent board meeting. Since Ascent is in its early phases of formation, more information on the benefits and opportunities of this new partnership will be ongoing. However, we are happy to share some of the aspects of this new affiliation that we find compelling and will not only bless Ecclesia, but also all of the churches within Ecclesia. First, given the size of Ecclesia, there have always been areas of ministry that we believe are important, but toward which we have not had the scale to accomplish or contribute. Among these are concrete efforts around - increasing the witness of the Hispanic church in North America - supporting mission expansion to less-resourced parts of North America - increasing opportunities for disaster relief and response - and mobilizing prayer networks. Further, there are also specific and tangible benefits that are made possible through this partnership for any Ecclesia Churches. Some of these include things like - discounted tuition costs to Truett Seminary for any Ecclesia leader or member serving an Ecclesia Church. - discounted rate in utilizing the services of Chemistry Staffing for future hiring - access to a church-based missionary sending ministry for those Ecclesia Churches engaged globally, and more! Lastly, there is a specific aspect to this partnership affiliation that is particularly helpful to Ecclesia. Ascent has agreed to partner with Ecclesia over the next year to expand our church planting and multiplication reach in a way that benefits both Ecclesia and Ascent. Practically, this looks like Ascent investing a little over $1,000/month into Ecclesia over this next year and together working toward a set of mutually beneficial goals. As I think about this opportunity within the current moment of our network, it seems right for multiple reasons beyond the purely practical. At our Ecclesia board meeting in late 2022, we established a path for individual affiliation within Ecclesia to make concrete space for leaders who are outside ministry contexts that allow for our core congregational affiliation. The heart of this decision was a desire to increase the kinds of relationships that Ecclesia has within our scope of ministry. The decision to affiliate with Ascent is similar. Also, as I shared at our Ecclesia Gathering in January, this decision fits within the Core DNA of Ecclesia. When I look back at the founding of our network, three aspects were central then and have carried forward. First, our desire to extend the gospel to increasingly post-Christian, or more challenging, settings and groups of people. Second, a desire to exemplify a Christian witness aligned with the theological and missiological direction of affirmations like the Capetown Commitment. Third, our desire to provide a relationally rich journey of friendship for the churches and leaders who are part of our family. When I consider the affiliation with Ascent, we share in common those first two Core DNA. As for the 3rd foundational aspect of our network, I believe the time has come where Ecclesia itself needs “friends for the journey” in the same way that Ecclesia has provided a context of friendship for those within our community. On the other side of COVID, it’s clear that ministry in the days ahead is more exciting, while also more challenging and complex. We believe we need a greater community to be the most faithful to the gospel that we can. You can go to to get a quick glimpse of its vision. The current website is a placeholder for a more thorough site coming later this Spring. Ecclesia, of course, will have a seat at the table in its formation. We have also provided a one-page overview of Ascent on the attached document. We will keep you updated on this exciting development. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. - Chris
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